1. Work in accord with government policy.
2. Focus on vulnerable groups especially children, women and under-served groups living in rural and urban areas of Nepal.
3. Identify and Conduct educational support program to reunited and underprivileged children to continue their school education.
4. Conduct various rehabilitation programs to educate helpless and poor children.
5. Identify underserved and helpless elderly people and provide rehabilitative services.
6. Identification of deprived women and encourage to participate in various program related to capacity building and empowerment.
7. Be aware of and remain sensitive to gender inequality and discrimination.
8. Seek donor agencies and conduct fund raising campaigns to secure necessary program sustaining resources.
9. Collaborate with national and international governmental and non-governmental organizations working on similar issues.
10. Initiate and conduct integrated programs that facilitate child protection improves their lives.
11. Offer children a diverse repertoire of educational experiences to support holistic development.
12. Participate in various programs to achieving common goals and objectives in the areas of children education and improving the lives of vulnerable groups.
13. Conduct research to identify the impact of various programs implemented by other organizations working on similar issues.
14. Participate in various health and disaster management programs as needed.
Strengthen the organization and build capacity through human resource.
15. Integrate the cross-cutting issues related to program.
16. Build awareness through policy advocacy, human rights related issues, provision of resources, quality of program and its sustainability.
17. Develop IEC (Information, Education, & Communication) materials as needed.
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